Wednesday 4 December 2013

People living with HIV demand the Bill to be tabled

MUMBAI: Members of World Vision India demanded national leaders to pass the HIV Bill that will protect the rights of those living with the disease. The Bill was drafted after nation-wide consultations with various stake holders including People Living With HIV (PLHIVs), communities at risk of HIV, healthcare workers, children's organizations, women's groups, trade unions, lawyers, and State AIDS Control Societies.

Stating the urgency of the need for the Bill, Dr Jayakumar Christian, national director, World Vision India said, "Statistics don't bleed, but people bleed. In our work with around 40,000 children affected by HIV and AIDS across the country, we have seen them and their families denied their right to dignified life and treatment because of the stigma attached to the disease. A legal protection would go a long way in ensuring that these children are able to access their rights".

The Bill, which protects the rights of people living with HIV, has been pending with the government since 2006. The Bill has been pending with the union law ministry for the last six months.

World Vision India along with partners have been conducting grassroots level consultations as well as state level forum to discuss the bill and create empowered voices for community based solutions and work towards Zero discrimination towards PLHIVs. "The passing of the long pending HIV and AIDS bill in its original form will contribute to reducing the epidemic and will also protect the rights of people living with HIV, including children affected and infected. The PLHIVs in this country are not legally protected which means we do not have a legislation/Act passed yet to protect their rights. The greatest need of the day is to pass the bill incorporating all the provisions necessary for the protection of their rights," said Reni Jacob, advocacy director, World Vision India.



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