Saturday 7 December 2013

Interview with Nobel laureate Andre Geim

BANGALORE: Pleasantly surprised at the interest Indians show in Science, Nobel laureate Andre Geim spoke to TOI about the subject and how a scientist plays the role of Sherlock Holmes.

The scientist, who was in the city for the Bangalore India Nano Conference, was jointly awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Konstantin Novoselov for their work on graphene, a single atomic layer of graphite said to be a better alternative to silicon.

Excerpts from the interview:

Q: You proved that one need not study in the best of the universities in the world like the Cambridge or MIT which has the best facilities and best minds to succeed.

A: I had good education which was as good as anywhere else in the world. History of Nobel has shown that nothing comes accidentally. Someone somewhere in the world has similar ideas like you and are working in similar directions. Even with graphene, there were people in two or three labs who were having similar ideas. I am a recipient of it because I was a bit quicker, smarter and more hard working. But more simply, lucky. It is a race and a competition. Only the goal matters. Nobel is something we as humanity award ourselves. It is an achievement of the whole human race. There may be tier II universities which does not have great equipments but still doing good work. You have to be innovative, look away from the obvious, work in areas that are not in focus, put in a lot of work and be lucky.

Q: How do we motivate youngsters to take up pure Science?

A: It is your choice. You can be an investment banker and do the boring job of buying and selling shares every day. Or you can play the role of a Sherlock Holmes. That is what we are. Imagine how Holmes work. He find tiny hints-like bit of lipstick, worn out socks-- and solve the mystery. Science, especially, fundamental research, has no clear picture. It is obscure. During your work, you collect hints and try to get the clear picture. The person who gets the picture with minimum number of hints wins the race.

Q: Is this what motivated you to join pure Science?

A: It just happened. It is not only a normal day job. It keeps you stimulated and interested. You never look at the watch. It is challenging-mentally and physically.

Q: Your working style seems to be different from others. You keep jumping subjects...

A: Scientists these days are paid much less than others. Science is not much appreciated in the West as much richness is. I am trying to satisfy my curiosity, make life more interesting and trying to fill gaps.

Q: You have spoken of hierarchy and politics inside scientific community. What are the problems that plague it?

A: It is different in different countries. In Netherlands, there was a hierarchy and no flexibility. In Britain, US and even India, it is much more open. We consider younger colleagues as someone whom we can learn from and who benefits from us. I refer it as 'our group'.

Q: You were someone who faced hurdles because of your ethnicity...

A: I was in Russia and they did not like people with foreign surnames. They were a bit alien there. But India is a good example. It is multi-cultural and people are not divided. Race and nation are alien terms to me. World is small and we are citizens of the planet.

Q: How did the Nobel change your work?

A: Nobel is a tough psychological experience. I have managed to remain the same with my philosophy on Nobel. Now, I have to spend time with politicians, who are moderators, give access to important people and raise voice who do not have it. I represent a community now.

Q: You are not fond of patents.

?A: Patents is a complex mechanism trying to organize industry and inventor. I am a university professor and am paid by the tax payer. My work is to kind of paying back. I never expect to make any money out of it. I don't want to become a millionaire. Patents are required to make the deal easier between the industry and the academia.

Q: Has graphene found industrial application yet?

A: Usually when a new product is invented, it requires an average of 40 years to move from the research lab to the industry. But in the case of graphene, it seems to have the quickest way to the industry in three years. Many multi nationals like Samsung, IBM and others have started working with it. The talk that is going around is about having touch screen on the curved surfaces of the phone.

Q: How is India doing in the field of nano technology?

A: India is different from the West. Here, people are interested in Science. I see young people with bright ideas who are interested in how it works. I was pleasantly surprised at how well equipped JNCASR is. India is well above its weight and height in terms of economic status. But it has to think beyond boundaries.

Q: You are the only one who has got an Ig Nobel and a Nobel...

A: I would cherish the Nobel more because it has given me so many anthropological experience. But people ask before giving you an Ig Nobel. That I have accepted it shows that I have courage and I have a wonderful sense of humour. I can take jokes.

QUOTE HANGERS: Life is black and white. If it is a bad day, the stripe is black. But I know, a white will come.



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